Paul Bunyan Mini-Storage, Bemidji, MN - Reserve Storage Unit


Storage for Business, Commercial & Residential


You are reserving a Standard 10x20 $110 at Bemidji, MN

Emergency Contact Information

Name other persons than yourself who may have access to your storage unit:

The person(s) listed as having access is/are solely agents of the occupant. The person(s) listed is/are not parties to this rental agreement, has/have no rights of tenancy or standing to bring and claim or to file suit from occurrences arising from the use of the storage space. Occupant agrees to hold harmless, indemnify and defend owner from all claims and lawsuits (including attorney's fees and all costs) that are hereafter brought by any person listed as having access to the space.

"Store it all with Paul" Call Paul Bunyan Mini-Storage 218-759-1064